A friend posted a meme on Facebook right around New Years. The basic gist of it was “If you’re complaining about going back to work on Monday, maybe you need to find a new job.” I usually scroll past memes, but this one stuck with me (it must have, or I wouldn’t be writing about…
Where Have All the AV Programmers Gone?
Anyone who has spent more than a little bit of time on an AV-related job board can tell you that the positions that always seem to stay open are the ones looking for AV programmers. It’s something I get asked about all the time, “How in the hell do I find a decent Crestron programmer?” It’s…
“Don’t Praise the Machine” (the Future of Integration)
One of my favorite episodes of the Simpsons involves Bart Simpson and an elephant named Stampy (who turns out to be a bit of a jerk). It also involves a couple of radio DJs are who are in danger of being replaced by a computer, the DJ 3000. DJ 3000: Looks like those clowns in Congress did it…
How Bill Belichick Taught Me to be a Better Programmer
A couple of months ago, I read The Education of a Coach by David Halberstam (affiliate link). It’s a pretty fun read if you’re a football fan. (Well… it’s a pretty fun read if you’re a football fan who loves the New England Patriots. I can’t say much for all of the New England haters out…
Gadget Review: The Garmin vívofit
I’m a pretty active person, but I like having a little nudge to be more active. Especially now that I’m more of a programmer and less of a tech. You tend to sit still a lot when you’re typing lines of code instead of climbing ladders. (Funny how that happens!) I wanted to get an activity…
Barbara Roth: Technology Pioneer
My grandma. What can I say about her? She makes the world’s greatest pumpkin bread. She gave handmade quilts to all of her grandkids when they graduated from high school, college, and got married. She’s the first person who will bring you soup if you’re sick. She was also a kick-ass computer programmer. I’ve always…
The Video of my InfoComm Speech is Online!
I don’t usually like the sound of my own voice. To be point where I only listen to AV Power Up! when I’m not co-hosting. But I’m quite pleased with this one. http://bcove.me/o33djbkt I’m not ready to give any TED talks yet, but it’s not bad. Give it a watch and let me know what…
Lean In, Step Up, Take Your Lane
InfoComm International recently formed an organization to promote and support women in the AV industry, the Women of Infocomm Network (WIN) Council. At InfoComm, we met for a breakfast, where I had the great honor of presenting the inaugural member showcase. I spoke about my career, the work that I’ve put into it, and encouraged all of the…
On Women in Technology [Repost]
This is a slightly edited repost from my personal blog. I recently got into a (somewhat) heated discussion on twitter with some folks about all-male technology panels and what that means for women in technology fields. It’s pretty much impossible to talk with any nuance in 140 characters or less, so I thought I would expand on…
Welcome to Tech Talk!
Everyone keeps telling me that I need to start a tech blog. And by “everyone” I mean, like, three friends of mine. So, here it is! I’ll mostly be talking about AV stuff, but also women in technology, as well as gadgets. Expect some fairly sporadic posting. I do have a toddler, after all.